I won't mince the realization here. It won't be fair. So...you fall gaga over a photograph. You read the profile of the person (most do-some do not), to see if there is anything written there you could use to strike up a conversation besides "nice legs", "beautiful smile", "nice...", you get the drift. So, somehow you get to chatting (writing) on-site and discover that your prospect is clever, has a sense of humor, isn't desperate, patient, and has just as much to share as you do. You go to the next step. You hear each other's voices...a voice to the pic you fell gaga for. On the phone you discover that there is maybe, slightly more tension at first, but as times goes by, the both of you finally decide to make a date. On your part, you want everything perfect. You finally meet...eye-to-eye. You hug. She smells me...I smell her. A kiss on the cheek. You both sit down to dinner. You chat...but, this time, small talk...not as intimate as before with on-site writing, or phone talk. You make another plan to meet again. Already, thoughts spin in your mind about the "first impression". Second date...a movie. At the end of the movie, chemistry, on your part have pretty much made it's decision. So, what happened? You pray about the whole encounter from the beginning. You ask the Holy Spirit to...give you the words.