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Free Black Dating in California

California Black dating. Meet quality Black Singles in California. Black Dating For Free is the #1 Online Black Community site for meeting quality Black Singles in California.

  Results 6331-6340 out of 6662 matching your search criteria
jenna985    34
FSM - A Friend
looking for friends only
Please don't disrespect me or my page I would really appreciate it.
GF_Material    55
FSM - A Long Term Relationship
Seeking my last first date
I'm an outgoing, professional woman who enjoys the low key life. No drama...not even a little bit. I am interested in dating a man who is emotionally healthy, ambitious, and non-domineering.
Gioboo    32
FSM - Anything
San jose
I'm a outgoing person I like to work out , dance and play basketball
Bby-jojo90    35
FSM - Anything
Need a real men
Hey I'm yoana I'm 23 I love going out and having a great time with my family and friends !!
trinity3    34
FSM - Anything
I'm tall thin butterscotch skin complexion big smile if you want to know more hit the Inbox
NahNah    35
FSM - A Friend
Elk Grove
Nahh    35
FSM - A Friend
flypytliz    34
FSM - A Long Term Relationship
So many people love me, somebody gotta hate me.
23 Talk to me to find out more.
latoniagraves    49
FSM - A Long Term Relationship
los angeles
nice open mind person
nice open mind person speak my mind but easy to get alone with
IamLetty    40
FSM - Anything
Los Angeles
New Mommy. SoCal Native. Amazing Friends and Family. Live and Breathe Football. #CowboysNation. Catch Me in the Gym.
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