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Free Black Dating in California

California Black dating. Meet quality Black Singles in California. Black Dating For Free is the #1 Online Black Community site for meeting quality Black Singles in California.

  Results 6061-6070 out of 6662 matching your search criteria
charre007    36
FSM - A Long Term Relationship
los angeles
I wish that I can have this moment for life
well about me I'm 25 age live in Los Angeles mother of one I'm 5'6 what about 175 to 180, thick....Carmel complexion brown eyes brown/gold ish hair freckles....cute
♥🔥♥🔥    29
FSM - A Friend
I'm average
ShaSha12    61
FSM - A Date
Hi, I go by ShaSha, I'm fun lovin, laid back kinda gal, i dont have time for drama, and im not drama, would just like a friend to go on a nice date, and enjoy the evening!
Sadai929    53
FSM - A Long Term Relationship
Los Angeles
Just ask
astrology_love    31
FSM - A Long Term Relationship
los Angeles
Ask me
LaNetta89    35
FSM - A Date
north hills
S0NGB1RD6    37
FSM - Anything
los ángeles
i love to laugh. i love to smile. i love to shop. i love to have fun. i love all entertainment. i love to enjoy life. i love working hard. i love rewarding myself. i love animals. i love people. i love to volunteer and give back. im sort of a free spirit. i work hard to get where i am and i plan on going further. i would describe myself as chill yet fun with a twist of sass.
ms.blk    38
FSM - A Long Term Relationship
I love life and full of goals im working on
egoddess1    52
FSM - A Friend
open minded
Misha    48
FSM - A Friend
los Angeles
Im in love with life.
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