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Free Black Dating in California

California Black dating. Meet quality Black Singles in California. Black Dating For Free is the #1 Online Black Community site for meeting quality Black Singles in California.

  Results 5791-5800 out of 6662 matching your search criteria
FSM - Anything
Los angeles/ new York/ worldwide/ i love to travel
you can find me on twitter & on Ig & kik & at [email protected]
Im a excotic rare breed I'm a 28yr old Mami from Brooklyn new York NYC made me but Cali made me I'm Puerto Rican & Brazilian & Japanese & native Indian I'm open minded i love both genders male & female I'm 5/7 curvy chick fun great since of humor a little bit of an fire cracker i have a temper & a very low tolerance for b.s I'm very down to earth i...
Bluelily153    37
FSM - A Talk/Email Buddy
I'm 27 and have two kids. I'm married but in the process of getting a divorce and moving home. I'm looking for a friend and who knows what could happen from there. I'm very open and straight forward as much as possible. I like honesty and am honest. I like going out and doing lots of activities! I have tons of interests. I don't like being cooped up in the house.
natnat    39
FSM - A Friend
I'm 28 yrs old salado rain and a mother of 4 beautiful kids :)
msdntplaygames    38
FSM - A Marriage Partner
los angels
no liars perv or thin men :)
Just ask
nick2524    41
FSM - A Friend
Ms.LeoLady    50
FSM - A Long Term Relationship
Treat me like a QUEEN I'll treat you like a KING
Looking for someone im attracted to physically, mentally, and spiritually. Looking for my better half someone I can give my all to.
bigbeauty    49
FSM - An Activity Partner
san Francisco
looking for someone to put a smile on my heart
For every Good Woman there is a good Mate....
Tailynn_2014    30
FSM - Anything
San Diego
thesesexylegs    33
FSM - Anything
u wanna knw
Ask me
artgurl25    50
FSM - A Friend
Spring Valley
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