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Free Black Dating in California

California Black dating. Meet quality Black Singles in California. Black Dating For Free is the #1 Online Black Community site for meeting quality Black Singles in California.

  Results 5591-5600 out of 6662 matching your search criteria
bizeemommie    63
FSM - An Activity Partner
Santa barbara
I am not your typical African woman
ErinLewis    30
FSM - A Long Term Relationship
El Segundo
I'm Erin
-20 years old
-student at Young Americans College of the Performing Arts
-singer,dancer,and musician
-LA Dodgers fan
-and lots more if you want to know just hmu (:
ms.leo    29
FSM - Anything
ASK ANYTHNG YOU WANT TO KNOW. I AM A RECENT HIGHSCHOOL GRAD june 9th class of 2014 lol.. and yes i associate with older guys i love to drve currently workn on gettn me a car uhm yeaa jus hit me up
goldie25    49
FSM - A Date
san bernardino
California goldie
nazra    64
FSM - An Activity Partner
san diego
Smart and Witty I am female, not gay no females accepted
Love to enjoy, travel, clean nice uncluttered living. Very clean, sincere, love strong supportive relationship. New dating for me since 2007.
sashabbeautiful    28
FSM - A Long Term Relationship
los angeles
I Love shopping Do U?
Im a Highschool student
I Love Working out
I Love Shopping
I Love goin out to eat
I Lovr Basketball and
Im a
Upcoming Model/Actress
Urrealness    48
FSM - Anything
san jose
lets Kik..
Tryin to get my groove back...
stella4616    38
FSM - A Long Term Relationship
Alanis    28
FSM - Anything
I'm 5'1 I love to play basketball and run...😀 I'm a very funny person I love to make people smile and laugh. .....,I'm weird in my own special ways!💖
Misofly    33
FSM - A Worship Partner
23 years of age. Just finishing up undergrad and I have been doing a lot of growing up. I have a job and I'm always looking to advance my life. I don't know exactly what I'm looking for I just know what I don't want. I don't want a physical relationship right now, nor do I want a titled situation. I do however want to meet some new interesting people who are like minded...
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